Look at me keeping my word about posting on my blah, blah, blog. lol. I just love saying that. You can say it in so many different ways.
For example:
In an annoyed, lazy tone, like the person is rolling his/her eyes.
"Blah, blah, blog!"
In my preferred tone, with a higher note at the end as if I were answering a question. "What's the name of your blog?"
In my preferred tone, with a higher note at the end as if I were answering a question. "What's the name of your blog?"
It mostly depends on my mood, though, which is another reason why I like the name so much.
As I said in my last post, I have before and after pics of my newly renovated home. I used to do interior decorating part-time, so I like to think I know what I’m doing.
But as with writing and art, it comes down to personal taste and the subjectivity of the reader or viewer.
The pics below will show before and after shots (as close as can be or just of same room). I’m only posting a few rooms and the backyard renovations too. If you want to boost my decorating skill ego, feel free to tell me how amazing the after pics are. Lol. But for real.
And now for the big reveal … drum roll …
Family room before
Before living room, dining, and entry

After living room, and dining room turned my office (cause who needs formal dining when you have a large breakfast room by the tv? lol), and entry

And for my favorite part of the house besides the kitchen ...
Before boring, small pool area and sad backyard

After pool reno, extended patio and screen, outdoor fire pit area and much needed landscaping.

So, that's what's been keeping me busy for so long. It was never ending, and as you can see from pics dated, brown, and boring. Now it's fresh and new. I didn't post the bedrooms, bathrooms, or bonus room because they're always a bit of a mess. lol. But those are all new too.
Now that the renovation part of my life is over--Finally! Praise the Lord!--I have been writing more and very happy.
My current projects are revisions on two completed novels and getting one I wrote about five years ago (light sci-fi meets historical fantasy) ready to post here and possibly self-pub. Gulp. I was told the mash-up of the two genres would make it hard to find a home in the traditional world. Instead of leaving it on a shelf, FOREVER, I decided to find it a home myself. Woot! Woot!
Now, I'm off to deliver a Christmas gift and pick up a few more. In case you didn't know, "Santa's coming."