Friday, January 20, 2012

Has this ever happened to you?

Has this ever happened to you? I have a book I've been working on for almost two years. The heroine has lilac eyes and the antagonist lives in a mystical castle on a mountain in the Swiss Alps. I describe him as having night eyes with silver flecks resembling stars.

Well, I was reading a summary for a best seller the other day and was dumbfounded when I read that the enemy/love interest lived in a castle on a frigid mountain and his eyes were dark with silver flecks. Freaking me out further, the heroine had lavender eyes and was a fae like my character.

Now I've heard about the seven plots that all stories relate back too, but does that stretch to descriptions? I think it's crazy that this author and I somehow shared the exact same ideas without knowing each other or worked together.  

Has this ever happened to you?


  1. Wow. That's just crazy. Nothing like that has ever happened to me.

  2. Haha! Matthew, very funny.

    Yes! This has happened to me for a book that I still love very much but it's too similar to everything that is out there right now. So I shelved it hoping that someday I can bring it back to the light.

    So that's why when I wrote my next book, GILDED, I made sure that it was TOTALLY different from everything that is out there. It's paranormal but it's been different enough that its getting interest. I did a check list as I plotted it out so that each scene and character was totally different than I'd read in any other book. It was actually I conscious decision since I was so made about the previous book being too similar. Sigh.

  3. No, never happened. You didn't share on the Internet anywhere, did you? Either that, or your sending out very specific vibes that someone caught.
